Thursday 10 October 2013

Implementing BCM through complexity

Thomas Puschnik
Zurich Financial Services

Leading a BCM framework in a complex and challenging operating environment is no easy task but one potential key to success is effective relationship management. There are at least two key components to achieving this.

First is in terms of the BCM workforce. Having a team identity or common purpose, a set of agreed goals and clear roles and responsibilities all help to form the basis of a good team. Going from 'good' to 'great' requires a focus and commitment to building strong trusted relationships and recognising there will be setbacks along the way. This requires strong leadership and the will to take time out to listen and get to know team members and to understand their needs and concerns. This is especially true in regions where languages and cultures differ significantly.

Second is in terms of establishing regular engagement with your key business partners. Knowing who your key stakeholders are i.e. those who have or should have a vested interest in BCM, is relatively straightforward but the challenge often comes in determining how best to engage with these people. Selling BCM as a shared goal and using different levers to do this is fundamental. It is important to answer the question "what’s in it for me?" so that both parties understand the benefits for freeing up time and budget to support the activities within the framework.

Building an effective BCM team and support network is a critical success factor for any BCM implementation - one cannot deliver without the other!

Thomas will be discussing this and the issue of rolling out a global BC programme within the 'BC in Action' stream at the BCM World Conference on Wednesday 6th November, starting at 11:15.

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